Monday, July 29, 2013


Smudge didn't turn up on Saturday but 'she' was there on Sunday morning. Ate heaps. Was walking very slowing and is carrying her back legs funny. She hissed at me  as she left her food. First time for ages. Then hissed at me again when I went passed to get back inside. She then stayed around all day - sleeping. Smidge seemed to be a bit puzzled by her at first. He turned up in the morning whilst she was feeding. He went over and sniffed her. Then went to where she had been sitting, waiting for food and sniffed all around there. He wouldn't eat any of his food. During the day, whilst she slept he sat or slept nearby keeping guard. She came for food in the afternoon as well. It looked like she had something hanging down on her left side - possibly a teat?
Monday she didn't turn up.
Tuesday morning she was waiting as usual for food. Didn't eat as much. Wasn't as jitterly. Came close for chicken and didn't move when I went near her. No hissing. Seems to have left the garden this morning. Still don't know if she has had kittens. I suppose only time will tell.

Friday, July 26, 2013

An update

I can't believe it's been nearly 10 months since I lasted blogged about the cats.
Smidge has grown up but is still a small cat - 3/4 the size of Smudge. The cats don't play as much together and in fact don't spend as much time together as they used to. Smudge often goes next door into the garden of the empty house to the bottom of us. Smidge seems to spend more time in our garden.You just have to open the back door and he is either there waiting or you hear a distant Mao Mao as he comes running. He is such a friendly cat. Despite being born and growing up in the wild he constantly rubs up against you and is forever flopping down and turning onto his back with arms in the air ready for a tickle.

Last week there was a major development. Smudge didn't come for food all week - five days. Then suddenly 'he' was there on Saturday morning. He ate heaps very quickly and then disappeared as quickly. He didn't turn up for tea. Sunday morning he was there again and ate heaps quickly again and then left quickly again. However, this time I was watching. He went down the side of the house, across the front and under the gate. Then he crossed the road and under the gate of the school opposite. He went along the front of the school and disappeared into some bushes. The only explanation I can think of is that he is a 'she' and has kittens. I'm waiting with fingers crossed that Smudge turns up tomorrow.