Smudge is still visiting part time. Sometimes he comes every other day sometimes, there is a few days inbetween. He is always ravenous when he does turn up so is not going somewhere else to be fed!!
Smidge has had a bit of traumatic fortnight. The week before last he turned up with a huge scratch that was bleeding next to his right ear. It went very gunky but cleared up after a couple of days and now 10 days later the fur is regrowing and you can hardly see it. A couple of days later he had another scratch just under the same ear. Don't know which cat is attacking him. Yesterday No.10 turned up and Smidge started chasing him/her away. Normally, when another cat turns up, he jumps up onto the lattice and sits up there until it is safe to come down.
This week, he has had to cope with the 4 40 degree plus days. I have made sure there was plenty of water about but he spent the day asleep in the shade next to our rabbit's cage and doesn't seem any the worse for the experience.