Friday, October 12, 2012

They're back

It seems yesterday was just a blip. Smidge has spent the odd day not turning up but never Smudge. Anyway they were both waiting for me this morning with a healthy appetite! Smidge has spent most of the day in the garden and received lots of strokes and tummy tickles.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Somethings amiss

with the cats. Smidge hardly ate anything yesterday morning. He just wanted to curl up and go to sleep in the morning under Midget, our Rabbit's cage. He didn't even move when I went to take Midget home.

This morning, Smidge was waiting as usual and he seemed to have regained his appetite but Smudge didn't turn up. It is now teatime and neither of the cats are around.

Could mean there's a mother cat with kittens somewhere in the garden. Smudge disappeared for a couple of months when Smidge and his siblings were born under our house.